天津西卡科技发展有限公司是以“ 斑马漆” 品牌制造和销售水性内外墙涂料、外保温、质感涂料、真石漆、渗透结晶及柔性防水材料等产品的高科技企业。是目前中国在建筑装饰涂料行业品种最全的制造商之一。公司吸纳一流的化工专业人才,融汇德国化工科技理念向用户提供高品质、安全健康的产品和服务。产品主要采用进口原料精制而成,主要技术指标达到或超过国内同类产品。 公司以实业报国,回馈社会,奉献优质产品,帮助人们创造环境幽雅,绚丽多彩的温馨生活为自己的使命。并以有开拓创新精神,成为与时代同步,与世界共发展的先锋企业为自己的发展目标。 展望21世纪,公司将持续引进德国技术以一流的科研开发力量不断推出符合中国市场的高科技环保、节能产品,并努力维护和构筑品牌,不遗余力地满足广大消费者不同的需求,使斑马漆品牌焕发出更加亮丽的光彩。 Tianjin Shinkai science & technology development co., ltd. is a high-technological enterprise, manufacturing and selling various water-based exterior and interior coatings, its brand is zebra paint .At present, Shinkai is one of the largest manufacturers in trade of decorative coating s . The company depends on first-class chemical professionals and is the fruit of the exchange of science, technology and culture between china and Germany .The products are made of imported raw materials and technical index equals or even exceeds that of the same kind of domestic products. Shinkai aims at rendering the society satisfying service, offering desirable products with high-quality , high-technology and helping people live a life in a Safe,quiet and elegant environment. We promise to become a leading enterprise of the field. In 21st century, Shinkai will go on introducing advanced German technology to develop and manufacture high-technological environment protecting and energy-consuming products of Chinese customers. The whole staff are to do our utmost to satisfy our customers, to make zebra paint more out-standing and have a more colorful future.